Text by Przemysław Brykalski (1986)
It is with real pleasure that I take the opportunity to write these few sentences about the works of Mr Jan Niksiński. They are striking for their excellent technique, precision of execution. However, this is not empty virtuosity. In each of the works we can see an attempt to express those dark and difficult contents, which in the European tradition have for centuries constituted the true value, the humanism of art simply.
The relationship of Mr. Niksinski’s art – despite its contemporary language – to the deepest European tradition is a comforting example of the vitality of this tradition.
Not for every artist, close contact with its main centres is so important and fertile. Even a short stay of a couple of months in Austria and West Germany brought the young artist valuable new realisations. Every strengthening of the bonds of Polish art with its West European cradle should be welcomed – especially in the present difficult times. And the art of Mr Niksiński serves this strengthening of the bond well.
12 March 1986 Przemyslaw Brykalski