Pictures 2020-2029 Natural Abstraction – Attempted Talk with Mark RothkoPictures 2020-2029ViewChild’s Flowers at the SeaPictures 2020-2029ViewMaybe it’s the Sea (homage to Edi Hila)Pictures 2020-2029ViewWhite Flag over Warsaw (recycling 2022)Pictures 2020-2029ViewString Theory and Unexpected DiscoveriesPictures 2020-2029ViewGespräch mit verschiedenen Zeiten (recycling 2022)Pictures 2020-2029ViewAntidotePictures 2020-2029ViewRichter’s Yellow Tulips with my intervention for Justyna S.Pictures 2020-2029ViewGerhard Richter’s Tulips with my intervention for Jola K.Pictures 2020-2029ViewBirthday painting for JolusiaPictures 2020-2029ViewA million, million roses..birthday picture for Marek and Małgosia F.Pictures 2020-2029ViewWitkacy’s Sofa and Nefrette’s MouthPictures 2020-2029ViewBacon and Velázques meet in my paintingPictures 2020-2029ViewDivine interventionPictures 2020-2029ViewSmall Ukrainian picturePictures 2020-2029ViewBirthday painting for Doro on her 50th birthdayPictures 2020-2029ViewBefore 60 years I tried to paint a painting in the style of RembrandtPictures 2020-2029ViewSmall German LandschaftPictures 2020-2029View