Before 60 years I tried to paint a painting in the style of Rembrandt
Dimension - 27 x 33 cm
Technique - Own (cardboard + wooden frame)
Year - 2024
When I was 14 years old, I received a set of oil paints as a gift, and that was my first contact with such materials. At the time, I was fascinated by old Flemish art, and with these paints I painted a portrait of an old man in the style of Rembrandt. I didn't have a model at the time and painted it from my imagination, drawing inspiration from various portraits by Rembrandt or Tintoretto. It came out quite naively and the painting ended up in my archive for many years. I recently found it while cleaning up my studio and suddenly I was inspired to paint a new version of this portrait on it. It took me almost a year.
- CategoryPictures 2020-2029